Friday, April 24, 2009

Nifty"Eggs"periment from Dr. White

Summer is drawing near. If the little ones aren’t at camp, you may run out of ideas to keep them occupied. Why not use a fun and simple science experiment to focus their attention for a while? Dr. White found one that includes a lesson about why it’s important to brush teeth to make plaque go away.

Gather the items you will need for this experiment:

* 1 hard-boiled egg with the shell on
* 12 ounces of Coke, Pepsi or other dark-colored cola
* 1 container large enough to hold the cola and egg
* 1 plastic bowl
* 1 toothbrush
* 1 drop of fluoride toothpaste
* Clean-up supplies

Explain to your child that plaque is a sticky layer of germs that collects on her teeth. If she doesn’t brush, plaque can cause serious problems for her teeth, for example holes in the teeth (cavities) or swollen gums (gingivitis). Tell her that you are going to do an experiment to see how plaque coats her teeth, and why brushing twice a day is important for healthy teeth and gums.

Conduct the experiment:

1. Make the comparison between the white color of the egg and the white color of your child's teeth.

2. Place the egg into the container and pour the cola over it, so that it completely covers the egg.

3. Let the egg sit in the cola for 24 hours.

4. Remove the egg from the cola. The egg will be stained and yellowish.
5. Explain to your child that the colored layer that has appeared on top of the eggshell is just like the layer of plaque that occurs on her teeth.

6. Place the egg in the plastic bowl and give your child the toothbrush with the drop of toothpaste on it.

7. Let her brush the "plaque" off of the egg. The yellowish film will disappear, exposing the white eggshell. Explain that the same thing happens when she brushes her teeth.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dr. White Talks About Xylitol Gum

We get questions all the time at Dr. White's office about different kinds of gum. So we wrote down some of the most common ones and got Dr. White to give us his professional opinion.

What kind of gum is best to chew?

Any kind of gum is fine to chew as long as it is sugarless and you only chew one stick at a time.

I have hear a lot about Xylitol gum, is that okay to chew?

Xylitol gum is a fine gum. Again, the important factor is if it is sugarless.

Is it okay to chew gum for extended periods of time?

Prolonged gum chewing can be a problem for your jaw. If you chew between one half hour to one hour a day, you should be fine. Anything longer than that and you might run into problems for the joint. As a general rule, I tell my patients that once the flavor is gone, chuck the gum. Who wants to chew flavorless gum anyway?

Hope this helps! If you have any more questions about gum, please contact us at Dr. White's office!

Friday, April 10, 2009

What is the Best Flosser To Use With Braces? Dr. White Explains

Patients often ask me how they should floss while they are in orthodontic treatment. There are lots of products on the market that offer advanced flossing techniques. The bottom line is finding something that works for you.

I was recently asked about the Platypus Flosser. Many of my patients use this product and love it. Other patients prefer other products. With so many designs out there, it is best to try out a few and see what works best. Once you find something stick with it. It is so important to floss while you are wearing braces, that it really doesn't matter which product you go with. So long as it helps you floss regularly.

--From Dr. John C. White

Have more teeth questions? Let us know at Dr. White's office. We love to chat about your teeth!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Now Mom and Dad Can Have Perfect Too from Dr. John White

Focusing on your kids' teeth so much that you're neglecting your own? If you've been thinking wistfully about having your own set of perfect teeth, let Dr. White know! We are specially trained to offer an adult-friendly option for straightening teeth called Invisalign.

This course of treatment consists of a set of clear aligners that are molded to fit your teeth using a proprietary technology. You wear them all day and night, except for meals, brushing, and flossing – when you can easily slip them out to make eating and cleaning a snap!

Because they're clear, your teeth will be steadily straightening – and no one will know it but you!

Time and expense

Your teeth are unique, and the cost of Invisalign varies according to the complexity of your treatment plan. The time involved in treatment varies as well, and with new Invisalign Express, designed specifically for common problems like minor crowding and spacing, you could have your new perfect smile in less than six months!

Thinking ahead

If your health care plan covers orthodontics, it most likely covers Invisalign treatment to the same extent as conventional braces. Check your benefits, then give us a call at Dr. White's office to set up a consultation, so we can discuss the specifics of your treatment.