Monday, October 17, 2011

Dr. White discusses how his experience in the US Air Force and CE pursuits have shaped his practice

When did you decide to become an orthodontist and why?

Becoming an orthodontist is something that I chose even before I was in college, while undergoing orthodontic treatment myself. The combination of art and science, the impact on other’s lives, and the longterm relationships with patients and their families was just what I wanted in life.

Why did you decide to focus on orthodontics?

I chose orthodontics because it offered me the greatest fulfillment of my love of esthetics and design. As an orthodontic specialist, I can make a difference in people’s lives that affects those around them as well.

Who has inspired you?

My father John White (artist, engineer, and man of complete integrity), Gene Williamson (my first orthodontic instructor and consummate gnathologist), Milt Rabine (an instructor in my residency who was as passionate about orthodontics at 80+ as anyone I ever met), Ron Roth (discipline and focus on “the goal”), Uncle Ron Roncone (who taught me to view the bigger picture and set an example that I can only hope to emulate), Anoop Sondi (outstanding clinician and outspoken advocate for orthodontic excellence), Clayton Chan, Mike Mazocco, and Robert Jankelson (three geniuses who taught me neuromuscular occlusion), and Tony Robbins (nothing like walking on glowing red-hot coals barefoot [x4] to make you confident in any situation).

What is the most satisfying aspect of your practice?

Having the resources to purchase and utilize truly stateof-the-art equipment, and to attend the best courses taught by exceptional people to elevate the level of care that I provide.

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